The product development team and the management team were strengthened in January when an industry leader Johannes Holvitie was appointed as Oiva Health’s Chief Technology Officer.
Before joining Oiva Health, Johannes worked in the Hospital District of Southwestern Finland (VSSHP) as the leader of virtual services for specialized medical care in addition to interim assuming the position of Chief Development Officer for the district.
He also worked as part of the construction of the Southwestern Finland Wellbeing County (Varha). As the Program Director for ICT, Johannes was responsible for the construction and coordinated consolidation of ICT functions in the region (27 municipalities and 5 federations of municipalities), from the archipelago’s new telecommunications networks to the coordination of dozens of customers and patient information systems (APTJ).

With Johannes joining Oiva Health, our ability to respond to the needs of our customers was notably strengthened. We strive to develop our offering to meet even more precisely the digitalization needs of our client organizations who provide their customers and patients with integrated care and service pathways, who have demanding and complex information production requirements to enable leading through information management and data analytics, and who have the highest motivation to unlock all the efficiency available through proper integration of social and health care customer and patient information systems.
For an educational background, Johannes has a Master of Science in Information Technology, a Doctor of Science in Software Engineering, and an Adjunct Professorship (Docent Degree) in Software Production and Business.
We are delighted to have such a skilled, customer-oriented, and easily approachable visionary on board.