VideoVisit is renewing its brand and will be Oiva Health in the future. In connection with the brand renewal, we are also launching the new Virtual Care platform for Wellbeing Services.
We are proud of VideoVisit’s long history of more than 10 years as a pioneer in Finnish remote care. In order to be able to continue to offer high-quality digital services to our Finnish customers, we must also participate in the international market to promote the digitalization of social and health care services.
“The launch of the new Oiva Health brand is a significant part of our company’s new growth strategy. With the help of the Oiva Health brand, we can better position ourselves as an expert organization focused on comprehensive digital healthcare and social care services,” says CEO Juhana Ojala.
At the same time, Ojala wants to thank for the past VideoVisit-years: “I want to thank all the customers, partners and current and former employees who have contributed to the story of VideoVisit over the past decade. You are warmly welcome to join us in creating a new Oiva Health story together!”.
New Oiva Health – the only virtual care platform on the market that truly integrates healthcare and social care services
With the new Oiva Health brand, we also want to emphasize the new era of digital healthcare services. Since 2018, we have been developing a completely new Virtual Care platform designed for integrated health and care services, which is now ready to see the light of day.
In connection with the brand renewal, we are also releasing the new Oiva Health – Virtual Care platform, which has been designed in cooperation with professionals from both healthcare and social care sectors, especially for the needs of integrated health and care services.
Oiva Health is the only platform on the market that enables citizens of all ages to easily access social and healthcare services remotely. Also for those whose ability to function has already significantly weakened.
With the help of our platform, it is possible to produce digital welfare services on one digital platform in health care, social services and take-home services. At the same time enabling remote consultations by professionals between result areas.
You can learn more about the new Oiva Health digital platform on our new website