Nordea and Finland’s capital investors Inventure, Nordic FoodTech, Superhero, Voima Ventures, Takoa Invest chose VideoVisit as the most promising growth company in the SUPERFINNS® growth program.
VideoVisit mission is to help care providers to offer the best possible care for the silver generation at their favorite place, their own home. The company offers a high-quality, secure, and reliable connection between the caregiver and receiver. Read more about VideoVisit.
The growth program’s judges think that COVID-19 has taken the company to the next level. In Finland, VideoVisit is already a market leader. Vesa Riihimäki, Head of Startup & Growth business unit in Nordea, says that it has been interesting to follow the journey of VideoVisit.
– I met Esa and Juhana Ojala (from VideoVisit) first time 2016 in Kasvu Open Karnevaali when I was sparring their company. After that, I havekept track of their eagerness to grow and to do things better. The judge’s decision was unanimous. VideoVisit is the most promising growth company in the first SUPERFINNS® growth program, says Riihimäki.
SUPERFINNS® growth program judges are
- Vesa Riihimäki, Nordea
- Inka Mero, Voima Ventures
- Juha Ruohonen, Superhero Capital
- Laura Vartiainen, Takoa Invest
- Mika Kukkurainen, Nordic FoodTech VC
- Sami Lampinen, Inventure
SUPERFINNS® growth program is for Finnish growth companies that have a giant-size hunger for global growth. In the SUPERFINNS® growth program, entrepreneurs met other entrepreneurs, investors, and people who have ”been there, done that”. Themes in workshops and one2one meetings were finance, internationalization, team, vision, and growth strategy. Read more about SUPERFINNS®.
More info
Jaana Seppälä
toimitusjohtaja, Kasvu Open
050 304 6794
Vesa Riihimäki
Head of Startup &Growth, Nordea
040 826 2009
Juhana Ojala
CEO, VideoVisit
+358 (0)40 568 2182