Transferring home care visits to Virtual Care calls was one of the hottest trends in care services during 2020.
The past 12 months have been challenging for the healthcare sector across the world. On behalf of VideoVisit, I want to thank all the customers, partners and individuals who have worked hard under often really stressful conditions. We applaud your selfless attitude to put others ahead of yourself, and thank you for trusting VideoVisit to provide the best-in-class Virtual Care services. Let’s keep on working together towards brighter and safer times.
Business as usual before everything changed
When I take a ride back to the memory-lane into the year 2020, it seems that almost everything revolved around COVID-19 pandemic. I remember how the Arab Health exhibition in Dubai was buzzing with crowd of tens of thousands in January, but already back then there was signs of what was lurking behind the corner. Rumors that a new mysterious virus had forced some of the Chinese exhibitors to return back home, leaving empty stands in the enormous Chinese-sector of the exhibition hall. Back then these whispers were not concerning many people. Rather throughout the week there was energy in the air when healthcare experts around the world came together to enhance business networks and create new alliances. Had we known back then that for the most of us Arab Health was both the first and last business trip of the year.
COVID-19 elevated Virtual Care to a new level
When the pandemic escalated across the globe in the following months, we witnessed the fastest digitization of healthcare services in the human history. And our VideoVisit-team found itself in the middle of this surreal moment. I am extremely proud on how everyone in our company understood the seriousness of the situation and the importance of the Virtual Care solutions we provided. Each team member was ready to throw in everything they had to support our customers. It was not an easy task, given that new business inquiries were flying in – feeling this pressure, we were working from Monday morning to Sunday evening.
Once COVID-19 pandemic started to escalate, our internal targets shifted to do everything in our power to support the care providers to keep their healthcare and care services going. I hope that our team was able to ease the pressure on the daily work of the true heroes – the healthcare professionals fighting on the COVID-19 front-line.
It is not a surprise that the drastically increased demand for Virtual Care and the hard work we put in also lifted VideoVisit to a completely new level in 2020. Some of our achievements worth to note from last year include
- Winner of TechForce19 project in the UK – handpicked out of 1700 applicants for this NHS supported project
- 1 million Virtual Care visits completed on our platform across the healthcare services – totaling over 80% growth to 2019
- Over 40M€ annual cost savings provided for care providers during 2020
- High-level overall growth – over 140% increase in sales revenue and 190% increase in EBIT
- Thousands of happy users being able to connect with their loved ones during self-quarantine and lockdowns
These numbers and achievements are stunning, but the most proud I am on how we collectively reacted as a company when the world rapidly changed around us. Thank you everyone who contributed to VideoVisit-story in 2020!
New year brings a lot of excitement
Even though COVID-19 pandemic is not showing any signs of slowing down, the upcoming year has a lot of positive indications for VideoVisit and our customers and partners.
As a company we seem to be sitting in the same growth track as in 2020. We are expecting 2021 to be a strong year for us both in Finland and in international markets. One of the biggest highlights for the new year will be the launch of our new 2nd generation Virtual Care platform – we take lots of pride to bring to daylight the results of our internal R&D project we’ve been cooking up the past two years.
With the launch of the new platform closing in and many interesting projects kicking off, also our team headcount will increase. We are expecting to hire over 10 new Virtual Care superstars (as we say in VideoVisit) during 2021. A lot of new positions will be opened up and we welcome many new great talents in our VideoVisit-family during the next upcoming months.
It is going to be exciting year ahead of us and I welcome you to continue following us through our journey!
Always standing on our customers and partners side
As closing remarks, I want to highlight that our whole VideoVisit team is ready to assist the healthcare providers also throughout the final leg of the COVID-19 pandemic (may it end soon). Please do not hesitate to reach out to us, if you are in need for help to deploy Virtual Care solutions or want to hear more about VideoVisit.
I wish you a safe and successful year 2021.
Juhana Ojala
CEO – VideoVisit